Monday, February 9, 2009

A Tag on Hold

This is a tag from a new blog that I have been reading...
And a simple gesture, Holding Hands and what it means ...
To me it is about Reassurance

Before I leave N's hands and let her go, I hold her hand and squeeze it tight, and it says a lot...
It says, " Molu, you might be going on your own, but I am there with you, in every step, in every thought and gesture...Be safe."

It's Love

When I hear a good song, a touching lyric, when the horizon is touched with that orange hue, when a beautiful building lines my vision, I am touched and I want to share it with my love, I hold his hands firmly, tug it and gesture with my eyes and in his eyes I see the reflection of what I feel...

It's comfort

When I go home, I love to cuddle (well, still!) with Amma, and she protests. But when we cross roads together, she holds on to me and we guide each other. Here it is comfort, b'coz even after the hurdle is crossed, we don't let go, we hold on...

It's timeless

I rememeber when I was young, my father used to put his pointer finger down and I would clutch on to was all these feelings put together, love, reassurance, togetherness, comfort and even the memory of that clutch, is timeless...
So all my fellow bloggers, you are tagged...go on...hold on to this!


Sashu... said...

loved this :) esp, timeless!! lovely blog :) thanks for carryin on my tag :)

Usha Pisharody said...

Warm and filling this is :)


Just call me 'A' said... heart is all mushy and melting at the sight of such comfort, love and assurance. I'll do this post too sometime :)

sindhu said...

My lovely new friends, thank you for your encouraging comments..and A, I am waiting to read yours...

Anonymous said...

I have read this tag on Usha's. You have done it so beautifully for each relation.

As a mother I just felt something reading,

"Molu, you might be going on your own, but I am there with you, in every step, in every thought and gesture...Be safe."

sindhu said...

Thank you, Solilo...

Reflections said...

I'm just coming from deeps post on the same topic....:-))
U've done it beautifully....
Thank U for the Tag!!!!!!

Chandrika said...

what a beautifully touching way to hold hand sindhu!holding hands can be such a secure and comfortable feeling!!!!!!!!!!!1 am really touched. and sindhu, u have a very heartening way of encouraging . thank u ever so much.

Deeps said...

had left a comment right after you had published this post but it never got delivered.Some network hiccup,I guess!
A lovely post as always,sindhu.

"I rememeber when I was young, my father used to put his pointer finger down and I would clutch on to was all these feelings put together, love, reassurance, togetherness, comfort and even the memory of that clutch, is timeless"
Beautifully expressed:)

sindhu said...

thanks Chandrika aunty, I have to read more of yours, time is what I lack these days...
And u are sweet Deeps, always...